All about US

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Brittaney and I are two peas in a pod.. She is my reason for breathing...I wonder at times what my life would be like without her.. but then I realize I wouldnt have a life..


Welcome To Our Page.. We have an interesting life... not always what some people would agree with .. but then again thats why its called "OUR LIFE" not your life!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

wow Its been awhile...

Have alot going on in my life right now...

Just the highlights:
Britt Made Homecoming Court this year!! Yea Britt
Britt also made YearBook Staff!!

Those are the most two important things.. the other stuff well I will just post this poem..

By living each day to its absolute fullest
you not only sleep better at night
but you are one step closer to your dreams!
Take chances.

Tell the truth.
Date someone totally wrong for you.
Fall in love.
Get to know someone random.
Be random.
Say I love you.
Sing out loud.
Laugh at a stupid jokes.
Tell someone how much they mean to you.
Let someone know what they're missing by not being with you.
Laugh till your stomach hurts.
Live life like there is no tomorrow...
for tomorrow is not promised..
Tomorrow is a mystery
Yesterday is now History
Today is all you have!!
Be cautious with love,but don’t take to long,
it could slip past you.
Take chances, sometimes you might be surprised of the outcome.
Don’t be afraid of what is right in front of you,
There is a reason things in your past
didn’t make it to your future..
The reason why we have some of the heartache
and troubles we have suffered through is so
that when You have something special
you can appreciate it and treasure it!!
I guess this about sums things up... I have alot more I could and probably should blog about.. but right now just isnt the time to vent.. till then.. good bye..